title = "Viol{\^e}ncia dom{\'e}stica e Grupos Mistos: percep{\c c}{\~o}es de mulheres e homens sobre interven{\c c}{\~o}es psicossociais na Justi{\c c}a [Domestic violence and multi-gender groups: women and men{\textquoteright}s perception about psychosocial internvetions in the Justice System]",
author = "Guimaraes, {F. L.} and Juras, {Mariana M.} and Macedo, {P. R. F.}",
year = "2020",
language = "American English",
booktitle = "Incursoes psicossociais na Justica: Violencias e litigios familiares [Psychosocial incourses in the Justice: Family violence and litigation]",