Teaching, Learning, and Foundations

  • Teléfono217-581-5728
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    600 Lincoln Avenue, 2220 Buzzard Hall, Eastern Illinois University

    61920 Charleston

    United States

Perfil de la organización

Organization profile

If you are thinking about teaching children in either self-contained or departmentalized classrooms, the programs in Teaching, Learning, & Foundations are designed just for you!

  • Our programs are designed to provide learning experiences that will assist students in developing into highly competent and effective teachers.
  • Faculty create motivating learning environments through the use of innovative techniques and reflective practices.
  • Our programs are nationally accredited and standards-aligned
  • We provide numerous field experience opportunities in schools and social agencies throughout the program
  • Interactions between staff and students foster collaborative scholarly activities
  • Teacher Graduate survey results indicate high satisfaction with teacher preparation program.
  • We offer both on and off-campus programs.

The Department of Teaching, Learning, & Foundations is dedicated to providing future educators with the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to meet the challenges of today's classroom.

Colaboraciones y áreas de investigación principales de los últimos cinco años

Colaboración externa reciente a nivel de país/territorio. Para consultar los detalles, haga clic en los puntos o