Tesis doctorales
- 6 resultados
Resultados de la búsqueda
A Combined Language: The Application of Poly-stylistic Techniques to Concerto Sonata for Alto Saxophone and Piano
Calderon, J. (Author), Decker, B. (Supervisor), 2020Tesis doctoral
Effects of Exposure to World Folk Music on Preference for Unfamiliar Music in Elementary General Music
Doty, J. (Author), Larson, D. (Supervisor), 2020Tesis doctoral
Examining the Effects of Student-Centered, Project Based Teaching on Students With and Without Special Needs in an Elementary General Music Classroom
Ozier, C. J. (Author), Larson, D. (Supervisor), 2017Tesis doctoral
Music Identity and Listening Preferences of Students in High School Performing Ensembles
Harris, C. (Author), Larson, D. (Supervisor), 2020Tesis doctoral
Silence for Orchestra: Incorporating Silence in Musical Language through Theories of Expectation
Darby, K. (Author), Decker, B. (Supervisor), 2016Tesis doctoral
Transferring Writing Skills to a 3rd Grade Music Classroom
Wilson, M. A. (Author), Larson, D. (Supervisor), 2016Tesis doctoral