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    600 Lincoln Avenue, 2506 Lantz Arena, Eastern Illinois University

    61920 Charleston

    United States

Perfil de la organización

Organization profile


The mission of the Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation department at Eastern Illinois University is to prepare and train undergraduate and graduate students in the disciplines of health, wellness, physical education, recreation, and sport for career readiness or advanced degree programs through education, applied learning experiences, scholarly activity, and research.


The Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation department at Eastern Illinois University will be highly regarded among peer institutions and employers in preparing students to become experts in their respective vocations, leaders in their profession, and engaged members of society.


Applied Learning

Career Preparedness

Professional Engagement

Integrity & Professional Ethics 



Civic Engagement

Cultural Awareness

Diverse Perspectives



Personal Connections

Optimal Health & Wellbeing

Physical Activity over the Lifespan

Colaboraciones y áreas de investigación principales de los últimos cinco años

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