Tesis doctorales
- 200 - 225 de 692 resultados
Resultados de la búsqueda
Evaluating Student Responses to Young Adult Literature Based on Group Dynamic Within the Literature Circle Setting
Schmitz, A. J. (Author), Bickford, J. (Supervisor), 2017Tesis doctoral
Evaluating the Assessment of Resident Assistant Training
Ulloa, D. (Author), Coleman, J. K. (Supervisor), 2023Tesis doctoral
Evaluation and demographic response of the shovelnose sturgeon commercial caviar fishery in the Wabash River
Thornton, J. L. (Author), Colombo II, R. E. (Supervisor), 2018Tesis doctoral
Evaluation of Ecto-Mycorrhizae as a Determinant of Chestnut Growth and Stress Response
Aryal, P. (Author), Meiners, S. J. (Supervisor), 2017Tesis doctoral
Evaluation of Hazelnuts as a Sustainable Crop in Illinois
Dubosky, S. N. (Author), Meiners, S. J. (Supervisor), 2016Tesis doctoral
Evaluation of Intra-Species Diversity of Oxalobacter formigenes Strains Using Pulsed-Field Gel Electrophoresis (PFGE) and Multiplex PCR
Pareek, N. (Author), Daniel, S. L. (Supervisor), 2019Tesis doctoral
Evaluation of MyPlate Recommendations and Dietary Habits of EIU ROTC Cadets: A Mixed Methods Approach
Nevarez, L. (Author), Hugo, N. (Supervisor), 2017Tesis doctoral
Examination of Externalizing Behaviors within General Education, At-Risk, and Special Education Preschool-Aged Classrooms
Rader, R. A. (Author), Floress, M. (Supervisor), 2016Tesis doctoral
Examination of the Internal Structure of the Learning-to-Learn Scales (LTLS) in a Primary and Secondary Education Sample
Restko, M. (Author), Canivez, G. (Supervisor), 2016Tesis doctoral
Examining 8th Grade Students Disciplinary Literacy of Science Material
Doughty, C. P. (Author), Bickford, J. (Supervisor), 2018Tesis doctoral
Examining Bigheaded Carp Ichthyoplankton Drift in Tributary and Mainstem River Systems of Two Midwestern Rivers
Landry, A. (Author), Effert-Fanta, E. L. (Supervisor), 2024Tesis doctoral
Examining Diversity in the Monarch Award
McDaniel, M. K. (Author), Bickford, J. (Supervisor), 2020Tesis doctoral
Examining Elementary Teachers' Implementation of Culturally Responsive Teaching
Silva, K. A. (Author), Md-Yunus, S. (Supervisor), 2017Tesis doctoral
Examining Gender Differences in Play Choice in Kindergarten
Bily, D. (Author), Bickford, J. (Supervisor), 2018Tesis doctoral
Examining the Effect of Caffeine and Technology on Adolescent Sleep
Clark, K. D. (Author), Floress, M. (Supervisor), 2016Tesis doctoral
Examining the Effects of Pornography on the Individual and the Family
Wilburn, B. S. (Author), Hartenstein, J. L. (Supervisor), 2016Tesis doctoral
Examining the Effects of Student-Centered, Project Based Teaching on Students With and Without Special Needs in an Elementary General Music Classroom
Ozier, C. J. (Author), Larson, D. (Supervisor), 2017Tesis doctoral
Examining the Nutritional Requirements of Acidophilic Archaea "Ferroplasma acidarmanus" strain fer1
Qu, Y. (Author), Hung, B. (Supervisor), 2014Tesis doctoral
Examining the Relationship Between Acculturative Stress and Religion/Spirituality Among International Students
Ward, L. (Author), Davidson, E. S. (Supervisor), 2021Tesis doctoral
Examining the Relationship between Social Anxiety, Fear of Negative Evaluation, Fear of Positive Evaluation and Minority Stress in LGB versus Heterosexual Adults
Kamath, A. (Author), Allan, W. (Supervisor), 2023Tesis doctoral
Examining the Relationship Between Social Anxiety and Social Media Engagement
Kruchten, E. A. (Author), Allan, W. (Supervisor), 2021Tesis doctoral
Excess Capacity in the Banking Sector and Its Effects on the Sub-Saharan Economy
Alhassan, F.-A. W. (Author), Abebe, T. (Supervisor), 2023Tesis doctoral
Exercise Is Medicine: The Exercise Habits and Attitudes Towards Exercise Counseling of Medical Practitioners
Roberts, Z. (Author), Ruholl, S. (Supervisor), 2017Tesis doctoral
Exploratory Factor Analysis of the Canadian Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Fifth Edition for a Sample of First Nations Students
Hanson, J. (Author), Canivez, G. (Supervisor), 2019Tesis doctoral
Exploring Actual Social Support Using the Social Convoy Model to Assess the Impact on Depression in Adolescents
Hansen, C. (Author), Scher, S. J. (Supervisor), 2021Tesis doctoral