Tesis doctorales
- 50 - 75 de 120 resultados
Resultados de la búsqueda
Impact of Employment on Undergraduate Academic Achievement
Daniels, C. (Author), Roberts, R. (Supervisor), 2016Tesis doctoral
Impact of First-Generation Student Status on Graduate School Experience
Krausen, R. A. (Author), Timm, D. M. (Supervisor), 2019Tesis doctoral
Incarcerated to Educated: The On-Campus Experiences of College Students Post Incarceration
Comer, T. (Author), Coleman, J. K. (Supervisor), 2024Tesis doctoral
Influences on International Students' Selection of a Regional U.S. Institution: A Descriptive Study
Rodriguez, Y. (Author), Polydore, C. L. (Supervisor), 2018Tesis doctoral
Initial Student Impressions and Affinity Towards the Institution
Doto, A. (Author), Kniess, D. R. (Supervisor), 2016Tesis doctoral
Is the Customer Always Right? An Exploration into the Expectations of Student Affairs Professionals
Floyd, B. (Author), Roberts, R. (Supervisor), 2021Tesis doctoral
Kids, Spouses, School, Oh My! The Non-Traditional Student Experience
Webb, A. J. (Author), Polydore, C. L. (Supervisor), 2018Tesis doctoral
Listening to Their Voices: A Narrative on Campus Climate for Trans* Students
Bourdages, C. (Author), Webb, H. (Supervisor), 2021Tesis doctoral
Making the Dream Become a Reality: How Student Affairs Professionals Support Undocumented Students
Garcia, J. R. (Author), Coleman, J. K. (Supervisor), 2020Tesis doctoral
Microaggression in the College Environment: Narratives of African American Students at a Predominantly White Institution
Jones, C. L. (Author), Polydore, C. L. (Supervisor), 2017Tesis doctoral
Motivation behind Male Undergraduate Students' Decision to Participate in a Study Abroad Program
Lindhart, R. A. (Author), Timm, D. M. (Supervisor), 2017Tesis doctoral
Navigating Campus Climate: Microaggressions and Microaffirmations Impacting Trans* College Students on College Campuses
Figueroa, C. (Author), Coleman, J. K. (Supervisor), 2024Tesis doctoral
Panhellenic Women's Leadership Development and Self-Efficacy
Gastfield, C. (Author), Roberts, R. (Supervisor), 2020Tesis doctoral
Parents’ Perceived Financial Behaviors Impact on College Students’ Financial Behaviors
Saxon, N. (Author), Davidson, E. S. (Supervisor), 2020Tesis doctoral
Perception of the Residence Hall Conduct Process at a Small Private Institution
Anokwa, B. (Author), Roberts, R. (Supervisor), 2019Tesis doctoral
Perceptions of Body Image Among College Men
Janes, C. D. (Author), Timm, D. M. (Supervisor), 2017Tesis doctoral
Perceptions of Transgender Students in Social Fraternities and Sororities
Rowan, S. (Author), Kniess, D. R. (Supervisor), 2017Tesis doctoral
Persistence of African American Students at Predominately White Institutions
Thompson, C. (Author), Coleman, J. K. (Supervisor), 2020Tesis doctoral
Pivotal Moments in Undergraduate Education: Retention and Student Connection to Campus
Sikora, K. (Author), Kniess, D. R. (Supervisor), 2017Tesis doctoral
Preparing for Life After College: The Career Skills Learned by Resident Assistant Alumni
Cousineau, K. (Author), Coleman, J. K. (Supervisor), 2021Tesis doctoral
Provisional Admission Impact on College Self-Efficacy: A Qualitative Approach
Davis, C. A. (Author), Polydore, C. L. (Supervisor), 2018Tesis doctoral
Quarantine and Isolation Experiences of College Students: A Narrative
Gibson, B. (Author), Timm, D. M. (Supervisor), 2022Tesis doctoral
Rape Myth Acceptance in Social Fraternities and Sororities Compared to Nonaffiliated Students
Light, K. B. (Author), Coleman, J. K. (Supervisor), 2018Tesis doctoral
Reinstated Students: The Experiences and Perceptions of Academic Dismissal and Reinstatement
Webber, K. (Author), Davenport, M. (Supervisor), 2020Tesis doctoral
Resident Assistant Perceptions of Motivations and Demotivations to Return to Their Position
Gochnauer, C. (Author), Roberts, R. (Supervisor), 2017Tesis doctoral