Tesis doctorales
- 325 - 350 de 469 resultados
Resultados de la búsqueda
Seeing Red in a Sea of Green: Anthocyanin Production in a Carnivorous Plant, Pinguicula planifolia
Annis, J. (Author), Coons, J. M. (Supervisor), 2016Tesis doctoral
Self-Compassion and Emotion Regulation as Predictors of Disordered Eating
Srivastava, M. (Author), Allan, W. (Supervisor), 2022Tesis doctoral
Self-Construal as a Moderator in the Relationship between Self-Enhancement/Protection and Psychological Well-Being
Saha, A. (Author), Bernas, R. (Supervisor), 2020Tesis doctoral
Self-Reported Multicultural Teaching Knowledge and Skills of School Professionals
Kedzior, J. (Author), HaileMariam, A. (Supervisor), 2021Tesis doctoral
Self-Reported Multicultural Teaching Knowledge of K-12 Teachers
Raftery, A. (Author), HaileMariam, A. (Supervisor), 2024Tesis doctoral
Service Standards in Higher Education: Lasswell's Communication Model as a Training Tool
Alston, C. R. (Author), Gill, M. J. (Supervisor), 2017Tesis doctoral
Shame on You: An Analysis of Guilt-Based Advertising Strategies Directed at Parents
Alexander, J. M. (Author), Niesen, M. (Supervisor), 2016Tesis doctoral
Shedding Light on Ester Drug Metabolism: Investigating Carboxylesterases in Live Cells with Fluorogenic Chemical Tools
Karns, C. J. (Author), Beck, M. W. (Supervisor), 2024Tesis doctoral
Shocks Pass-Through to Prices in U.S. and Canada: Evidence from Oil and Exchange Rate Markets
Aiyash, E. (Author), Abou-Zaid, A. (Supervisor), 2018Tesis doctoral
Silence for Orchestra: Incorporating Silence in Musical Language through Theories of Expectation
Darby, K. (Author), Decker, B. (Supervisor), 2016Tesis doctoral
Social Anxiety, Worry, and Intolerance of Uncertainty
Eun, Y.-J. (Author), Allan, W. (Supervisor), 2023Tesis doctoral
Social Anxiety and Drinking Behaviors in College Students: Mediated by Alcohol Outcome Expectancies Specific to Social Situations?
Board, T. (Author), Allan, W. (Supervisor), 2018Tesis doctoral
Social Anxiety and Fear of Evaluation in Middle Schoolers
Hunt, L. (Author), Allan, W. (Supervisor), 2019Tesis doctoral
Social Anxiety and Problematic Drinking in College Students: Examining Potential Mediators
Gutsmiedl, C. (Author), Allan, W. (Supervisor), 2018Tesis doctoral
Social Anxiety and Substance Use in College Students: Understanding the Potential Role of Substance Use Expectancies and Fear of Evaluation
Pant, D. (Author), Allan, W. (Supervisor), 2023Tesis doctoral
Social Validity and Feasibility of the Five in 20 Classroom Management Observation Tool
Hampton, K. (Author), Floress, M. (Supervisor), 2022Tesis doctoral
Solvation Properites of Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Using Chirped-Pulse Fourier-Transform Microwave Spectra of Carbon Dioxide / 1, 1-Difluoroethene (DFE) Mixtures
Arachchige, T. A. S. (Author), Peebles, R. A. (Supervisor), 2019Tesis doctoral
Stability of the Learning Behaviors Scale
Davidson, N. (Author), Canivez, G. (Supervisor), 2020Tesis doctoral
Staff Perception of PBIS Implementation in Illinois School Districts
Starling, D. (Author), HaileMariam, A. (Supervisor), 2022Tesis doctoral
Steven Avery, A Case Study: Making a Murderer or Making an Identity
Grussing, A. (Author), Gill, E. (Supervisor), 2017Tesis doctoral
Stopover Ecology of Neotropical Migratory Songbirds in the Northern Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico
Solomon, L. E. (Author), Deppe, J. (Supervisor), 2016Tesis doctoral
Stress as a Moderator of Visual Perception: Do Elevated Stress Levels Interfere with Visual Cognition?
Ebersole, A. (Author), Stowell, J. R. (Supervisor), 2016Tesis doctoral
Structural Change and Productivity Growth in Developing Countries
Nuhu, A. S. (Author), Upadhyay, M. P. (Supervisor), 2017Tesis doctoral
Structures and Nuclear Quadrupole Coupling Tensors of 1,2-Dichloroethane, 1-Chloro-2-Fluoroethane and 2,3-Dichloropropene Studied Using Microwave Spectroscopy and Computational Chemistry
Dikkumbura, A. S. (Author), Peebles, R. A. (Supervisor), 2016Tesis doctoral
Student and Instructor Attitudes Toward 21st Century Writing Technologies in the Rural Secondary English Classroom
Crowhurst, C. (Author), Fredrick, T. A. (Supervisor), 2018Tesis doctoral