Tesis doctorales
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Resultados de la búsqueda
(Dis)Respect in the Classroom: A Gendered Perspective of Academia
Vesconte, A. N. (Author), Jacobs, A. S. (Supervisor), 2019Tesis doctoral
"A Babe in the Woods?": Billy Graham, Anticommunism, and Vietnam
Hays, D. A. (Author), Wehrle, E. F. (Supervisor), 2017Tesis doctoral
A Cloning Strategy for Expression of Fungal Hemicellulases in Plant Systems
Alrudayan, A. (Author), Canam, T. (Supervisor), 2020Tesis doctoral
A Combined Language: The Application of Poly-stylistic Techniques to Concerto Sonata for Alto Saxophone and Piano
Calderon, J. (Author), Decker, B. (Supervisor), 2020Tesis doctoral
A Comparative Analysis on Output Gap - Inflation Relation: The New Keynesian Approach
Shodipe, O. T. (Author), Adom, A. D. (Supervisor), 2019Tesis doctoral
Acute and Chronic Impacts of a Biofilm, Activated Sludge, and Ultraviolet Radiation Treatment on the Fathead Minnow, Pimephales promelas
Fitch, J. (Author), Colombo II, R. E. (Supervisor), 2024Tesis doctoral
Aging Techniques & Population Dynamics of Blue Suckers (Cycleptus elongatus) in the Lower Wabash River
Radford, D. S. (Author), Colombo II, R. E. (Supervisor), 2020Tesis doctoral
A Guide to Patient-Provider Interactions in Women's Healthcare
Welton, E. (Author), Gill, E. (Supervisor), 2018Tesis doctoral
A Journey of Cross-Cultural Adaptation: An Autoethnography of a Vietnamese Graduate Student in The American Classroom
Nguyen, T. (Author), Jacobs, A. S. (Supervisor), 2019Tesis doctoral
A Long Strange Trip through the Evolution of Fan Production, Fan-Branding, and Historical Representation in the Grateful Dead Online Archive
Richardson, A. (Author), Walus, S. M. (Supervisor), 2017Tesis doctoral
An Analysis of Extended Strings of Hits and Misses in a Mental Telepathy Task
Peck, G. R. (Author), Gruber, R. (Supervisor), 2018Tesis doctoral
An Analysis of General Education Teachers' Use of Diverse Praise
Beschta, S. L. (Author), Floress, M. (Supervisor), 2017Tesis doctoral
An Assessment of Night Time and Seasonal Electrofishing in the Lower Wabash River
Hine, E. C. (Author), Colombo II, R. E. (Supervisor), 2019Tesis doctoral
An Efficient Protocol for Root Studies in the Common Sunflower Using Composite Plants
Parks, T. (Author), Yordanov, Y. S. (Supervisor), 2018Tesis doctoral
An Empirical Analysis of Poverty and Income Inequality in U.S. Southeastern States
del Carmen Tellez, M. (Author), Abou-Zaid, A. (Supervisor), 2021Tesis doctoral
An Examination of Teachers' Natural Praise-to-Reprimand Ratios and Teachers' Perceptions of Self-Efficacy and Stress
Hayn, S. (Author), Floress, M. (Supervisor), 2018Tesis doctoral
An Examination of the Relationship Between Fear of Evaluation, Social Anxiety, and Depression
Ingraffia, M. (Author), Allan, W. (Supervisor), 2022Tesis doctoral
An Exposition of the Eisenstein Integers
Bandara, S. (Author), Alvarado, A. (Supervisor), 2016Tesis doctoral
An Investigation of Reliability and Validity of the Bully Participant Behavior Questionnaire in an Elementary Sample
Nesbitt, M. B. (Author), Jenkins, L. N. (Supervisor), 2016Tesis doctoral
An Investigation of the Nexus between Poverty and the Informal Sector in Developing Economies: A Case Study of Nigeria
Adeeko, O. (Author), Adom, A. D. (Supervisor), 2016Tesis doctoral
A Non-Profit as a Branded House: Douglas-Hart Nature Center and Foundation Branding Alignment
Fushi, S. (Author), Janssen Danyi, C. (Supervisor), 2023Tesis doctoral
A Novel Palladium BODIPY Photocatalyst for Sonogashira Carbon-Carbon Cross-Coupling
Nagaretnam, P. (Author), He, H. (Supervisor), 2021Tesis doctoral
A Pilot Study on the Effects of Comparative Feedback and Performance on Students’ Self-Efficacy and Self-Esteem
Schneider, C. (Author), Stowell, J. R. (Supervisor), 2020Tesis doctoral
A Pipeline for Exogenous Gene Expression and Biomass Analysis in Plants
Bisunke, B. (Author), Canam, T. (Supervisor), 2019Tesis doctoral