Teacher Perceptions and Use of Evidence-based Discipline Practices

  • Taylor Robinson

Student thesis: Master's ThesisSpecialist in School Psychology (SSP)


School discipline has been linked to significant positive and negative outcomes for both students and teachers. The current study examined the predictive power of Illinois, public school teacher variables on the use of specific discipline strategies in the classroom. One hundred eleven teachers completed a survey with vignette developed by the primary researcher which was used to assess teachers’ confidence in implementing discipline strategies, perceived effectiveness of discipline strategies, and perceptions of peer use and peer beliefs about discipline strategies. The study used descriptive statistics to identify patterns of reporting and multiple linear regressions to determine the predictive power of the variables in determining the frequency of use of various discipline strategies. Results of the multiple regressions yielded some significant findings for perceived effectiveness, teachers’ confidence, and perceived peer use as predictors for teachers’ use of discipline strategies. Descriptive statistics identified patterns of strategy use that largely correspond to research supported discipline strategies including using exclusion least frequently and using less restrictive strategies more often. Despite significant research support, positive reinforcement was not reported being used most often. Limitations of the study include the type of measure utilized (self-report), confounding variables, and length of the study.
Date of Award2021
Original languageAmerican English
Awarding Institution
  • Eastern Illinois University
SupervisorAssege HaileMariam (Supervisor)

ASJC Scopus Subject Areas

  • Developmental and Educational Psychology

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