Fraternal New Member Processes: An Alumni Perspective

  • C. J. Gibson

Student thesis: Master's ThesisMaster of Science (MS)


Hazing has always been an issue in fraternities and sororities. Even though there has been a push to reduce the amount of hazing through research and trainings, it continues to cause harm to the community. The purpose of this study is to gain incite from fraternity alums toward understanding the use of hazing activities while orienting fraternity men to the organization. This study examined the issue from the individuals experience, to their role in inducting new members, and now as alums to gain insight in to why chapters continue to that cycle. Results showed that individuals in groups social construct their definition of hazing and these new member processes need to continue to evolve to better shift the culture of the chapters.
Date of Award2023
Original languageAmerican English
Awarding Institution
  • Eastern Illinois University
SupervisorDianne M Timm (Supervisor)

ASJC Scopus Subject Areas

  • Education

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