Using Disciplinary Literacy to Fill the Historical Gaps in Trade Books

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


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Many elementary and middle level teachers integrate history
with disciplinary literacy.1 Balancing fiction and non-fiction, or
literature and informational texts, provides space for teachers
to link multiple, diverse texts.2 Pairing distinct texts positions
students to explore connections between secondary sources,
like textbooks and trade books, and primary sources, like
letters and photographs. Scaffolding can assist close readings,
text-based writing, historical thinking, and civic engagement.3
Where textbooks introduce readers to history via specific
terminology and short passages, trade books present historical
eras through relatable characters and engaging prose. For most
topics, trade books are numerous enough for teachers to select
multiple titles written at distinct reading levels to differentiate
for diverse learners.
Original languageAmerican English
JournalSocial Studies and the Young Learner
StatePublished - 2017


  • disciplinary literacy
  • trade books
  • social studies
  • elementary education


  • Children's and Young Adult Literature
  • Education
  • Elementary Education

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