This Is Just A Test: Overcoming High-Stakes Test Anxiety through Relaxation and Gum Chewing When Preparing for the ACT

Heidi A. Larson, Sharon Y Kim, Rob McKinney, Alyssa Swan, Adriane Moody, Keri L Offenstein, Deb German, Sarah Puchalski

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


This study was a replication of a previous study (in which) participants were given relaxation and deep breathing training to help manage test anxiety. The study examined the correlations between relaxation strategies, gum chewing and variables including socioeconomic status, class rank, GPA, and importance of going to college. Participants included 96 high school students (36 males, 60 females), preparing for the ACT (American College Testing). Results indicated that the relaxation intervention had a significant effect in reducing test anxiety.
Original languageAmerican English
JournalEastern Education Journal
StatePublished - 2014


  • test anxiety
  • progressive muscle relaxation
  • deep breathing
  • high-stakes testing
  • socio economic status


  • Counseling

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