How to Save...A Nation? Televisual Fiction Post-9/11

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter


To claim that the national tragedy of 9/11 is a defining moment in the
first decade of the tV1renty-first century for the United States is not profound,
nor is the statement that it directly and indirectly influenced the
cultural production within American society throughout these years.
Regardless of the obviousness of these claims, it is exactly upon these
assumptions that this chapter rests. In the years following the attacks
on the World Trade Center and Pentagon, cultural products have been
sites for interrogating and remediating the trauma that 9 /11 caused
for the citizens of a country that believed itself to be untouchable.
Although these cultural concerns were played out in both non-fictional
and fictional spaces across media, this essay argues that televisual narratives
in particular provide great insight into societal concerns during
the start of this century. They do this in a unique space that repackages
these concerns from "reality" and displaces then1 into the safe comforts
of "fiction" where they can· be addressed time and again with more
favourable results.
Original languageAmerican English
Title of host publicationManufacturing Phobias: The Political Production of Fear in Theory and Practice
StatePublished - 2016


  • 9/11
  • Television
  • Media


  • Film and Media Studies

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