Hotspot-aware task-resource co-allocation for heterogeneous many-core networks-on-chip

Md Farhadur Reza, Danella Zhao, Hongyi Wu, Magdy Bayoumi

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


To fully exploit the massive parallelism of many-core on a chip, this work tackles the problem of mapping large-scale applications onto heterogeneous networks-on-chip (NoCs) while minimizing hotspots . A task-resource co-optimization framework is proposed which configures the on-chip communication infrastructure and maps the applications simultaneously and coherently, aiming to minimize the peak energy under the constraints of computation power, communication capacity, and total cost budget of on-chip resources. The problem is first formulated into a linear programming model to search for optimal solution. A heuristic is further developed for fast design space exploration at design-time and run-time in large-scale NoCs. Extensive simulations are carried out under real-world benchmarks and randomly generated task graphs to demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed schemes. Real system simulations show the significant improvement (30–200%) in NoCs latency and throughput compared to the state-of-the-art minimum-path approach because of the diminishing hotspots and balanced load distribution.
Original languageAmerican English
JournalComputers & Electrical Engineering
StatePublished - May 22 2018


  • Many-Core Architectures
  • Networks-on-chip
  • Resource Allocation
  • Task Mapping


  • Computer Engineering
  • Digital Communications and Networking
  • Hardware Systems
  • Computer Sciences

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