Closing the Gaps in Faculty Services: Repository Innovations at EIU

Research output: Contribution to conferencePresentation


At Eastern Illinois University, Institutional Repository Librarian Todd Bruns, Head of Reference Steve Brantley, and Head of Library Technology Services Stacey Knight-Davis have implemented some innovative services and programs for engaging faculty. From training liaison librarians to become “scholarly communication coaches” to conducting a university-wide survey of the faculty’s digital scholarship needs, Bruns, Brantley, and Knight-Davis have been proactive in bringing new services to the entire campus through the repository initiative.This webinar, presented by Stacey, will share some of the work that they have done to engage faculty, particularly focusing on their success with the faculty survey. They will provide some great tips and tricks for getting, and keeping, faculty engaged.
Original languageAmerican English
StatePublished - Dec 3 2015


  • Faculty Outreach

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