Characterization of Internet Traffic and User Classification: Foundations for the Next Generation of Network Emulation

Rigoberto Chinchilla, John Hoag, David Koonce, Hans Kruse, Shawn Osterman, Yufei Wang

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Rigorous experimentation is emerging as the preferred method for validating the benefits of protocols, especially those affecting quality of service. The emulation of traffic generators provides a compact and efficient method for testing protocols and techniques in a realistic context. Models of user behavior serve as the basis for the trafgen traffic emulator and are subject to refinement as our knowledge expands. The project in this study uses a layered approach to study different Internet applications and protocols including the hypertext transfer protocol, http.


  • computer networks
  • computer protocols
  • trafgen
  • http


  • Technology and Innovation

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