A New Species of Cyperus Section Incurvi (Cyperaceae) from Venezuela

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Cyperus fedoniae is described as a new species. It is known from a single collection from the lowlands of southern Venezuela. It is a member of section Incurvi. It is related to C. dichromeniformis and C. inops, from which it can be distinguished by its smaller size and features of spikelets and achenes. A distinctive feature is the arching culms which take root at the base of the spikelets.

Cyperus fedoniae es descrito como una nueva especie. Se conoce de una sola muestra de las tierras bajas del sur de Venezuela. Es un miembro de la secci.n Incurvi. Est. relacionada con C. dichromeniformis y C. inops, de la que se distingue por su peque.o tama.o y caracter.sticas de espiguillas y aquenios. Una caracter.stica distintiva es el arqueo tallos, que se arraigue en la base de las espiguillas.
Original languageAmerican English
JournalJournal of Botanical Research Institute of Texas
StatePublished - 2017


  • Cyperus
  • Cyperaceae
  • Venezuela
  • Guayana Region


  • Biology
  • Plant Sciences
  • Botany
  • Plant Biology

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