Personal profile
LeAnn Akins has a BA and MA from Eastern Illinois University. She has taught freshman writing at EIU since 1997. While at EIU, she has served as Unit B representative for the English Department's Composition Committee, Reader for the University's Electronic Writing Portolfio Review Panel, and Education Advisor for EIU's Alpha Psi Chapter of Sigma Sigma Sigma. From 1992-1997, she taught at various other institutions including Lake Land Community College, Olney Central College, and Kankakee Community College- Upward Bound Program.
In addition to teaching, Akins has extensive training and experience in grant writing. Grants written/awarded include state, federal, and private grants. She has also lead grant writing seminars at Lake Land College, has tutored writing online with, and has reviewed and edited numerous composition textbooks for companies such as McGraw-Hill, Bedford/St. Martin's, Pearson/Longman, Thomson, and Haughton Mifflin.
Contact Information
Office: 3562 - Coleman Hall
Email: [email protected]
Spring 2021 office hours (virtual only): Tuesdays and Thursdays 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.; Wednesdays 5-6 p.m. & by appointment via Collaborative Ultra Blackboard sessions
Education/Academic qualification
B.A., Eastern Illinois University
M.A., Eastern Illinois University
- English Language and Literature