Christopher Wixson teaches advanced courses in Early Modern drama and Modernism, script analysis and dramaturgy, and general education courses in writing and literature. He has staged plays by Edward Albee, Samuel Beckett, Anton Chekhov, Christopher Durang, Sarah Kane, Harold Pinter, William Shakespeare, and John Webster. His writing has appeared (in most cases, more than once) in Modern Drama, Studies in English Literature, the Journal of Modern Literature, Comparative Drama, ELT, Notes on Contemporary Literature, Pamphlet, The Harold Pinter Review, SHAW, American Drama, and The Columbia Encyclopedia of Modern Drama. He is the author of the forthcoming Bernard Shaw and Advertising: Prophet Motives (Palgrave MacMillan) and, in 2017, became General Editor of SHAW: The Journal of Bernard Shaw Studies. An affiliate faculty member of the department of Theatre Arts, Dr. Wixson was the dramaturg for recent productions of Gidion's Knot, Romeo + Juliet, Dogfight, Seminar, Next to Normal, and Dancing at Lughnasa.
Office: - Coleman Hall 3771 / Doudna Fine Arts Center 2423
Spring 2018 Office Hours: TR 8:30-10:45 / By Appointment