With research interests in translation studies, Romantic and Gothic literature, and the intersections between literature, philosophy, and science in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, C.C. Wharram is director of The Center for the Humanities at EIU. His most recent essay, on the intersections of humanism, translation, and the nonhuman, was published in Educational Theory in October 2014. He edited a special volume on “Teaching Romantic Translation(s)” for Romantic Circle Pedagogies (July 2014).
His writing on Romanticism and/or translation has appeared in Germanic Review, Gothic Studies, Nineteenth Century Literature Criticism, and the collections Translations of Romantic Texts and Staël's Philosophy of the Passions. He was selected to participate in the NEH Summer Institute “The Centrality of the Translation to the Humanities: New Interdisciplinary Scholarship” (2013), and is currently finishing a book manuscript on the role of translation theory and practice in Romantic movements.
Office: 3010 Coleman
Fall 2019 Office Hours: MW 10:00-11:00 and T 11:00-13:45 in 1222 Booth Library (Center for the Translational Humanities)