Personal profile


Dr. Brito obtained her doctorate in Experimental Psychology (with emphasis in cognitive processes, visual perception in the elderly, and psychophysics) from the University of Iowa in 1994. She completed a two year National Institute on Aging fellowship on aging while working in Dr. Michael Wall’s Visual Field Lab in the Neuro-ophthalmology Dept at the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics.

At EIU since 1996, she regularly teaches Research Methods, History of Psychology, Language Development, Judgement & Decision Making, Neuropsychology, and Neuropsychology of Aging, and has mentored over 60 undergraduate researchers and graduate theses. She has research interests in understanding perceptions toward older adults and various multi-cultural issues. She served as a statistical and research consultant in visual perception for over a decade; and, consulted with EIU's Office of Civil Rights and Diversity for 14 years on various survey and research issues. She now routinely serves as a research and statistical consultant to members of the EIU community and graduate students, assisting primarily with design and analyses of surveys and Qualtrics programming.

Although experienced with many parametric and non-parametric statistical tests, her expertise is in analysis of variance and understanding sources of variability in data sets.

Contact Information

Office: 3139 - Physical Sciences
Phone: 2175812219

Education/Academic qualification

Ph.D., University of Iowa

… → 1994

M.A., University of Nevada, Las Vegas

… → 1989

B.A., Florida International University

… → 1986

Research Interests

  • Attitudes toward Aging and various other Gerontology topics
  • Diversity and Multi-Cultural Issues


  • Psychology