- 255 - 306 out of 487 results
Search results
Stacey Knight-Davis
- Booth Library/Library Services - Professor, Head of Circulation
Person: Faculty, Librarian
Barry J Kronenfeld
- Geology/Geography - Associate Professor, Geography
- GIS - Director of EIU GIScience Center
Person: Faculty
Christopher R Laingen
- Geology/Geography - Professor, Geography, Professor Laureate 2020-2021
- GIS - GIS Faculty
Person: Faculty
Mary 'Sam' Laingen
- Eastern Illinois University - University Pre-Health Professions Advisor
- Biological Sciences - Instructor
Person: Academic Support, Non Tenure Track Faculty
Vanesa Carbonetti Landrus
- World Languages and Cultures - Professor, Spanish, Coordinator of Latin American and Latinx Studies
Person: Faculty
Danelle Larson
- Music - Professor, Director of Music Education Division, Instrumental Music Education
Person: Faculty, Academic Leadership
Marshall Lassak
- Mathematics and Computer Science - Chair, Professor
Person: Faculty, Academic Leadership
Bonnie Laughlin-Schultz
- History - Professor, History with Teacher Licensure in Social Science Coordinator
- EIU-UPI - Unit A Representative
Person: Faculty
Logan Lehmann
- Human Services - Instructor
- Eastern Illinois University - Social Work Field Director
Person: Non Tenure Track Faculty
Olivia Amaya Lemus
- World Languages and Cultures - Instructor, Spanish
Person: Non Tenure Track Faculty
Katherine J. Lewandowski
- Geology/Geography - Professor, Geology, Science Teacher Licensure Certification Coordinator
Person: Faculty
William Edward Lovekamp
- Sociology, Anthropology, & Criminology - Professor, Sociology
- GIS - GIS Faculty
Person: Faculty
Jeannie Ludlow
- English - Professor
- Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies - Director
Person: Faculty, Academic Leadership
Caitlin G. Lynch
- Sociology, Anthropology, & Criminology - Assistant Professor, Criminology
Person: Faculty
John H. Mace
- Psychology - Chair, Professor
- Aging Studies (Gerontology) - Professor
Person: Faculty, Academic Leadership
Thomas MacMullen
- School of Technology - Assistant Chair, Instructor
Person: Non Tenure Track Faculty, Academic Administration
Annie Lyle Mason
- Music - Instructor, Bassoon, Film Music, Interacting with Music
Person: Non Tenure Track Faculty
Michele K. McDaniel
- Booth Library/Library Services - Instructor, Research Engagement & Scholarship Librarian, Education Librarian
Person: Non Tenure Track Faculty, Faculty, Librarian